With the current cost of living crisis and the rise in energy prices it’s never been more important for water and energy suppliers to proactively engage with their customers to help them reduce their consumption, but also to inform them about tariffs that might be more suitable to their household’s consumption habits.

Many customers are on a default tariff that is either set by a regulator or was assigned when the customer opened an account. There will also be many customers who have never checked their tariff or tried to ascertain whether a different tariff could save them money. 

Are your customers on the right tariff?

Certain tariffs will be more suitable for certain customers – whether that’s because it will help them save money on their bill or because it suits their lifestyle and life choices. For example, if a customer has an Electric Vehicle or has installed solar panels, then they might fit the customer profile of a household that would be interested in a green energy tariff. Perhaps they have the lifestyle and flexibility that would suit a Time of Use tariff or they are having their energy exported back to the grid to be paid to them on actual reads, not estimated ones.

Do you know enough about individual customers, their homes and their consumption habits to be in a position to target them with information on more suitable tariffs?

The advantages of taking a proactive approach

If you can proactively engage with your customers to help communicate information about their bills and to promote or suggest tariff changes, you will:

  • Highlight your commitment to keeping costs affordable and fair
  • Improve customer engagement, satisfaction and loyalty
  • Help your customers reduce their consumption, emissions and bills
  • Ensure your customers are on the most appropriate tariff

Don’t wait for your customers to contact you about the best deals. We can help you to proactively engage with individual customers and help them switch to a better tariff.

How can we help?

By embracing Advizzo’s SaaS platform, you leverage both Data Science and Behavioral Science to deliver personalized communications directly to customers. You make the most of customer and meter data that’s further enhanced by information collected from individual home audits to gain a clear picture about individual customers, their homes, their lifestyle and their consumption habits.

Advizzo can then help you segment customers into subgroups based on what we know about them. Equipped with this information we can then empower each subgroup with information about tariffs that might be more suitable for them. We also nudge them towards taking action by applying behavioral science techniques in your communications. Discover more about the power of the ‘nudge’.

If you’d like to find out more about our behavioral science based customer engagement programs for utility and water companies, then why not take a look at these case studies, or get in touch today.

Find out how we can help your customers to prepare for Time of Use tariffs in this recent blog.